For those who love Michigan. For those who hate what is happening to it.
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Pave Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot
The Choice
The Left's Election Ponzi Scheme
The Evolution of Free Speech
Traditional Thoughts
Democrats and False Dichotomies
The Michigan that Was
The Irreplaceable Family
The Fear of the Left
Failed Policies and Scapegoats
Nobody Votes Anymore. It's Too Crowded
Pandora's Box and Politics
Virtual Stupidity
Basketball, Mental Health, and Covid-19
Scarlet Letters and Second Class Citizens
The Vaccine Panacea that Wasn't
It's Time to Reevaluate Covid-19
Covid-19, Prophecies, and Hypochondria
The Fear of Irrational Fear
Whitmer has Cake, Wants to Eat it Too
Gretchen Whitmer: Consistently Inconsistent
The Power of I Don't Know
How Can You Buy Michigan?
Joe Biden's "Get Out of Jail Free" Card
Dr. Anthony Fauci: Media Rock Star
The Unforgivable Sin of Gretchen Whitmer
Vaccines and the Pandemic of the Media
The Everest of Confirmation Bias
The Why of the Willingly Unvaccinated
The Forbidden Question
A Man and a Line in the Sand
County Fairs, Baseball, and Yardwork
It's the Precedent, Fools
It's Going to Happen. Don't Fall for it.
Covid-19: It is What it is, No More, No Less