Apr 18, 2022
The Michigan that Was
Michigan voters must decide what it is they want their state to be.

Mar 11, 2022
Failed Policies and Scapegoats
Democrats are looking for a scapegoat to redirect the narrative from their failed policies.

Dec 29, 2021
Basketball, Mental Health, and Covid-19
The mental health issues related to Covid-19 weren't caused by the virus, they were caused by us.

Dec 23, 2021
Scarlet Letters and Second Class Citizens
Joe Biden's OSHA mandate would brand completely healthy citizens with a scarlet letter. It must be stopped.

Dec 20, 2021
The Vaccine Panacea that Wasn't
The left declared the vaccine a panacea. When it became clear it had failed, they doubled down.

Dec 13, 2021
It's Time to Reevaluate Covid-19
The time for arguing about what Covid-19 is has ended. It's now time to reevaluate how society should handle it.

Dec 8, 2021
Covid-19, Prophecies, and Hypochondria
The media's representation of Covid-19 has created a self-fulfilling prophecy which ends in Hypochondria.

Dec 1, 2021
The Fear of Irrational Fear
Maybe FDR was right. Maybe it is the only thing we need to fear.

Nov 17, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci: Media Rock Star
Anthony Fauci is now world famous. Is it even possible that doesn't influence his decisions in some way?

Nov 15, 2021
The Unforgivable Sin of Gretchen Whitmer
There is one mistake Michigan voters must hold Governor Gretchen Whitmer accountable for.

Nov 13, 2021
Vaccines and the Pandemic of the Media
The notion that Covid-19 vaccines can end the media defined "pandemic" is absurd

Nov 9, 2021
The Why of the Willingly Unvaccinated
The main reason people aren't being vaccinated against Covid-19 is painfully obvious.

Nov 8, 2021
The Forbidden Question
The question that matters most when it comes to Covid-19 is not being asked.

Nov 7, 2021
A Man and a Line in the Sand
Where you draw the line is up to you, but you deserve the right to draw it.

Nov 5, 2021
It's the Precedent, Fools
They try to make it about something it's not. The precedent is what matters.

Nov 4, 2021
It's Going to Happen. Don't Fall for it.
I'm going to tell you the future. Will you do anything with the information?

Nov 3, 2021
Covid-19: It is What it is, No More, No Less
Until you properly define it, you can't discuss it. Once you properly define it, you will no longer fear it.