I'm going to start here because I have to.
I actually hate that I'm starting here because Covid-19 has been discussed so ad nauseum, so thoroughly, so mind numbingly more than anything else in the history of the world, that the notion of discussing it further makes me sick. Worse than that, talking about Covid-19 so much gives it a power that isn't real in my opinion, and it this type of talk that has led us to the terrible position we are in.
Still, I'm going to start here because I have to.

Covid-19 is a real thing. Let's get that out of the way immediately. The left wants to make it seem like anyone who is uncertain about Covid is a denier because that makes them easy to attack. But Covid-19 is real.
Having said that, to the vast majority of people who get this real disease, regardless of their vaccination status, it will present as a harmless cold. It will be recovered from in a few days and it will lead to zero long term effects.
This is true.
To an incredibly small number of already health compromised people with one or more underlying health issues, Covid can lead to far more serious complications, and can even be life threatening.
This is also true.
The current vaccines for Covid-19 seem to be heavily dependent on the person they are given to in terms of the evidence and degree of their effectiveness. The media loves to tout that 99.9% of current hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated, but what they never tout is that this referenced 99.9% of people come from a subsection of less than 1% of people total.
In other words, there's almost zero chance you are going to be hospitalized from Covid-19 regardless of your vaccination status, but for a less than 1% subsection of the total population, the vaccine can make the difference. The difficult part is you can't really know whether you are in that 1% for sure, even if you are seemingly healthy. But statistically, the odds are overwhelming that you are not part of this 1%, and that, is also true.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, if Donald Trump hadn't been President and hated by Democrats the way that he is, Covid would have been handled entirely differently by the media.
And this, as much as anything stated so far, is absolutely true.
I'm willing to come right out and say it: Covid 19, more than anything else, is a political weapon. That doesn't mean that's the only thing it is and it doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously, it just means it isn't nearly as dangerous of an illness as it is as of a political weapon.
From the start, Covid-19 should have been represented for what it is: an illness that can seriously affect a very small section of already ill people, but is OVERWHELMINGLY harmless to the VAST majority of people when it comes to its lasting effects. There's just one problem, and it has led us to where we are:
Representing Covid-19 in that proper manner wouldn't get rid of Donald Trump.
I don't care what your opinion of Donald Trump is -- and I have many of them -- the active attempt by certain groups to get him out of office is without question the reason the Covid narrative was spun the way it was. And while political parties spinning narratives is nothing new, and I wholeheartedly believe Republicans would have done the exact same thing to an extent had the roles been reversed, this particular narrative spun out of control in a manner that no previous narrative ever has, real, imagined, or fabricated.

Fear porn is a term many have thrown out to describe the media's response to Covid. The term is appropriate, because the media narrative did with Covid the same thing pornography does with sex. It's not that the narrative created something that wasn't real from nothing, it's that it took something that was a thing in one sense and manipulated it into something more visceral by playing on the deepest, and most primal human emotions related to it.
As the narrative ran its course, Covid quickly became a caricature of its true identity. Soon, it was little more than a purely emotion based storyline used to guide political thought and action. And then, almost out of the blue, it accomplished its objective.
Trump was gone.
But the narrative, of course, was not.
And that's when our current problem began. Because now, this fictitious and exaggerated narrative that was purposely regurgitated again and again for hundreds of different purposes, was no longer needed. In fact, to the very people who had utilized it to its fullest extent, the narrative was now a bad thing. So much so, that these people needed to get rid of the echo chamber they had so eagerly created which insisted that Covid was the end of all things and that the situation in America was miserable.
But these people can't have this. This causes them issues because if it continues, people will soon turn the same blame that was weaponized to get rid of Trump back onto the newly elected leaders.
So what do these new leaders do? They go all in on the vaccine solution.
This was what they needed. This was to be the panacea to end the left's great problem. It was the metaphorical broom to sweep away all the fear porn doom and gloom they once loved but now hated. Trump was awful. He let Covid get out of control. We developed a vaccine. Covid was defeated. This was how the story was supposed to go.
But it didn't work.
It didn't work, because compared directly to the definition of every other vaccine in the history of the world, these new vaccines...didn't work, at least not by any simple definition of the word "work". Instead of admitting this and watching their entire narrative fall apart, however, the media began a never ending crusade designed to justify a vaccine that undeniably cannot prevent the contraction or transmission of the virus it allegedly protects against.
This crusade was so prominent, so far reaching, and so complex, that just a month into the vaccination drive even reasonably educated people didn't know what to think. By the time we were six months in, people were so confused about these new vaccines that they weren't sure they even wanted to take them. This wasn't some outskirt minority. It was half the population. That's around the time that certain areas of the country literally started firing anyone who refused to take this new vaccine.
And so the fear porn remained. And still remains. With no end in sight.

Throughout the Covid era, many have asked a simple question: when does it end? When do the goal posts stop moving? When do we stop altering a generational way of life for something that quite simply isn't anywhere near as devastating as the media made it out to be? When does freedom and the local autonomy to live life the way communities desire to do so reign again?
And of course, the answer is as simple as it has always been:
Freedom reigns, when the people demand it reign.