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Democrats and False Dichotomies

I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but the cut and dried game plan of the left when it comes to manipulating the truth is now more apparent than ever.

While I could go into great detail discussing the different methods leftist politicians and organizations utilize to paint the picture they want viewed, doing so is not necessary.

You really only need to know one technique the left uses, because every other technique is a direct relative to that technique, or in some way grows directly from it.

The technique is simple:

Represent any ideology which differs from your own as a violent assault on the rights and/or existence of a self-proclaimed, disenfranchised group.

An LGBT rally where attendees hold up "GOP hate gays" signs
Disagreement does not equal hate

In just the past week, the left has directly made usage of this technique multiple times. When they do, they often use catch-all phrases like “hateful rhetoric” or “marginalized groups” to allow them to remain conveniently vague about argument they are actually making.

Florida implementing a bill to prevent schools from talking to children about sex?

The left calls it an “assault on the LGBT community” which promotes “hateful rhetoric” and “endangers lives.”

The debate about whether or not CRT has a place in public education?

To the left, that’s "white people trying to deny the existence and injustice of slavery."

The argument as to whether a biological male should be allowed to run roughshod over female swimmers in NCAA sanctioned competitions?

That morphs into the right’s "merciless crusade to deny an individual's personhood."

Even Elon Musk’s attempt to purchase Twitter, which he point blankly stated was in an effort to celebrate and protect free speech, was somehow twisted and represented by the left into a story about a power hungry, billionaire plutocrat trying to control the media and put poor, helpless Twitter employees out of a job.

To all of that I say: Wait, what?

Elon Musk giving a speech
So the left has declared Elon Musk a dictator for championing free speech?

Here’s something that needs to be shouted from the rooftops any time someone starts rambling about “hateful rhetoric”, “violent ideas”, or the right’s “failure to protect marginalized groups.”

No reasonable person anywhere is promoting hateful action toward anyone.

Full stop.

Should I say it again?

No. Reasonable. Person. Anywhere. Is. Promoting. Hateful. Action. Toward. Anyone.

Got it?

And no, I’m not including fringe, extremist groups in this statement because fringe extremist groups aren't reasonable. We all know crazy radicals with crazy ideas exist on both sides of the aisle. Those groups are so long gone they don’t even deserve discussion.

I’m talking about reasonable people.

Despite what you've heard, the right doesn't want gay people to be terrified to go out of the house. It doesn't want to round up transgender people and have them tarred and feathered. It doesn't want to make life a living hell for anyone who has a political view left of center.

But even with this knowledge, the left remains enamored with this fictitious idea that merely disagreeing with specific political positions they take somehow makes the right “hateful”, “dangerous”, or “uncaring”.

You think 3rd graders should be taught about sex by a publicly funded government run institution?

Power to you.

I think you’re insane and I’d be fascinated to know how you came to such a bizarre conclusion, but this is America and you are allowed to have whatever personal opinion you want.

But so am I.

And just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I’m actively promoting hatred and harm to some group your position happens to reference.

Yet the left refuses to accept this.

A man at a LGBT rally with a "Stonewall all Bigotry" sign.
Bro, no reasonable person is for bigotry.

They hide behind this notion that any attempt to maintain some semblance of society as we have always known it is a direct assault on freedom and the equivalent of civil rights like inequalities. But as far as I know, at this stage of our country’s existence, the government is not actively denying any of the basic rights promised by the constitution to anyone.

What is being denied at times, is the right to blanket impose political positions or life views on others. And while that denial could be called a lot of things, it certainly cannot be rightfully called “hateful rhetoric” or “dangerous speech”.

In fact, I would argue any educated person understands that that type of “denial” happens all the time in America, and is in fact necessary for the protection of freedom of speech, assembly, and thought.

So how loudly must I yell it? Someone disagreeing with your politics isn’t hate speech. Someone fighting against a wholesale change you want to implement in government funded schools isn’t hate speech. Someone suggesting we shouldn’t indoctrinate kids with certain values or ideas isn’t hate speech.

It’s political discourse. And it’s actually quite healthy for any society that is striving to improve.

John Kennedy shaking hands with Richard Nixon at a Presidential Debate.
There's nothing wrong with political discourse across the aisle.

But the left’s ability to portray simple disagreement as some overt assault on fundamental rights is its current go to recipe, and in many ways, it is the only means by which it maintains power.

Which leads us to the biggest problem of all:

There are actually some on the right who are cowering to the left’s manipulated narrative and allowing it to have power over them and over our society.

Do not fall for this manipulation.

Disagreeing with leftist policy does not make you racist. Racism makes you racist.

Standing up for your family values does not make you a bigot. Bigotry makes you a bigot.

Defending your core beliefs does not make you a violent threat. Violence makes you a violent threat.

The left knowingly and purposely diverts attention from its often maniacal policies by actively demonizing those who disagree with them. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not unintentional. And it’s not deniable. It’s a conscious, calculated plan to create a dichotomy where the only two choices are accept leftist insanity or be labeled a terrorist.

And if we’re not careful, what is insanity today will be policy tomorrow.


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