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Failed Policies and Scapegoats

Writer's picture: JayJay

And lo and behold, the attempted narrative redirection of all narrative redirections is well underway.

Dual image of Joe Biden on right and Gretchen Whitmer on left, both pointing while giving speeches.
Democrats can point all they want. The issue is their failed policies.

As midterm election season approaches and the overall state of affairs in Michigan and the country objectively worsen, liberals across the country have already begun grasping at straws in an attempt to convince potential voters of one great lie: “It’s not our fault.”

Let’s make something clear right away, shall we?

All the negativity enveloping our state and country is not due to an issue between Ukraine and Russia. It’s not due to Covid-19. It’s not due to supply chain issues or lack of green energy innovation. It’s not due to Donald Trump, it’s not due to immigration, it’s not due to a trucker’s strike, and it’s not due to global warming, guns, or the planets aligning either.

No, the vast majority of the political problems America is dealing with right now are the direct consequence of one very specific event:

The incorrect and unjustifiable overreaction to Covid-19 by federal and state governments.

The amount of people citing the Russia-Ukraine conflict or Covid-19 as the cause of our country’s current dilemma is laughable. The genesis of our problems precede the Russia-Ukraine conflict by multiple years and they certainly have nothing to do with what Covid-19 itself actually turned out to be, despite the unending media campaign to make it something more than it was.

Kids wearing masks and face shields in school
Covid didn't sink us. Our inappropriate overreaction to it did.

I shouldn’t have to say what I’m about to, but for the sake of full disclosure, here are some truths that should be obvious to anyone with a brain:

  • You can’t shut down schools, businesses, and a generational way of life multiple times over multiple years and not submarine the economy.

  • You can’t force every man, woman, and child, regardless of age, into total isolation for months on end and not end up with massive mental health issues that directly lead to catastrophic problems worldwide.

  • You can’t eliminate recess, shutter all after school activities, segregate students from their friends, and require masks to be worn at all times, even by four-year-olds, and not run into major child development issues.

  • You can’t bombard people with a false and exaggerated narrative stating that a bogeyman of a disease is forever creeping outside their doors, silently waiting to ruthlessly kill them if they don’t constantly mask up, wash their hands, and spray sanitizer on their grocery bags and not create a societally crippling fear.

Michigan and America are at the very beginning of a long recovery from failed Covid-19 policies that very nearly destroyed our country. Huge mistakes with decade defining ramifications were made, and we are only now starting to see those ramifications take hold.

So please, don’t you dare act like the problems America is now enduring are due to anything other than the last two years failed policy related to Covid-19. Democrats hold the highest office in the land and the highest office in the State of Michigan, and to see them squirming to pass the problems they created off on anything but the actual cause of them is infuriating and insulting.

Gretchen Whitmer at a podium giving a speech.
Gretchen Whitmer put personal agendas above the State of Michigan. It's that simple.

At the start of the Covid-19 era, Gretchen Whitmer overplayed her hand due to lack of information and the desire to appear strong. I could forgive this, had she backed off once the science became clear, but she didn’t. She did the exact opposite. She doubled down, often to spite those who opposed her. She shut down the state, the schools, the lakes, the parks, and the businesses our economy depended on as part of her own self-promotional, Vice Presidency desiring, Covid theater. She didn’t stop when the Supreme Court legally mandated her to stop, and the only reason she has pulled back at this point is because she is worried about reelection.

Voters must not let this conscious and planned narrative redirection of liberal politicians and media conglomerates take hold. Not even a little. Democrats made their bed with consistently bad decisions concerning Covid-19, and now they must sleep in it.

At least until voters driven by common sense and a love for Michigan finally kick them out for good in November.


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