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The Vaccine Panacea that Wasn't

The vaccines have failed.

In terms of having any tangible impact on what the media continues to define as a pandemic, the vaccines simply didn't work.

And the mental and verbal gymnastics the media goes through on a daily basis to try to prove the efficacy of vaccines has become laughably embarrassing.

Map of current 7 day average of Covid-19 cases in the United States
On a national scale, there is no definition of the word "work" by which the vaccines have worked

Cases and deaths have surged nationwide and are surpassing records set in 2020 prior to vaccines existing. In other words, vaccination rates are as high as ever, with many states having over 70% of their populations fully vaccinated, yet Covid-19 is getting worse.

As the media actively tries to contort its way into some semblance of an argument that can explain this clear and obvious indictment of vaccine efficacy, the narrative concerning what is clearly an Occam's Razor case of vaccine failure continues to change at a rapid pace.

This shouldn't have to be stated, but if you have to continually change the simple definition of the word "work" in order to make any argument about vaccine efficacy look reasonable, it's become a "lady doth protest too much" argument.

The current flavor of the week line for those who are still clinging to the lost cause of Covid-19 vaccines is almost infantile. Most of these people have finally gritted their teeth and unwillingly admitted that vaccines do nothing to stop transmission or contraction. This isn’t that surprising. Even the most stubborn people can see that record case surges popping up all over the country despite record vaccination rates all over the country make it difficult to argue the effectiveness of vaccines. But instead of taking the final step and drawing the simple conclusion that vaccines have utterly failed when it comes to ending the media's case-defined pandemic, these people choose to go a different direction.

They choose to talk about symptoms and hospitalizations.

Once it became clear that the Covid-19 vaccines were failing to do the one thing they were supposed to do – you know, actually stop Covid – the media's narrative, as has become the pattern, changed.

Black and white photo of people being vaccinated against Smallpox in the 1920s.
Remember Smallpox? Me neither. Because that vaccine actually, you know, worked

Vaccine proponents no longer wanted to talk about how their vaccine didn’t accomplish what EVERY other vaccine in history did. Instead, they wanted to talk about symptoms.

"Vaccines keep people out of hospitals and prevent death!" they cry. "No vaccine is 100% effective! Anyone who knows anything knows that there will always be breakthrough cases!"

They then amplified these claims with conjecture about completely unprovable claims and speculative potential futures.

"Imagine where we'd be if we didn't have the vaccines! Millions of lives have been saved!”

And every time they make these claims, they use the same tired argument to defend it. Always in the same way. Always with the same line:

Just look at the percentages of those who have been hospitalized! They are largely unvaccinated! That proves it!"


No. No it doesn’t.

All that proves is that for the less than 1% subsection of health compromised people who are actually in danger of ending up in the hospital, vaccines have an effect.

It says nothing about the other 99% of people who don’t and won’t end up in the hospital regardless of their vaccination status. It says nothing about how their immune systems handle Covid-19 once vaccinated. It says nothing about how they might affect others or potentially transmit the disease once vaccinated. It can't say anything about these people because statistically speaking, these people won't end up in the hospital due to Covid-19 under any circumstance, regardless of vaccination status.

I’ll try to spell it out as simply as I can.

We cannot state with certainty how effective these vaccines are to average, healthy people, because average, healthy people, vaccinated or not, experience Covid-19 in totally different manners and will never be hospitalized from it.

This is why all those claims stating that unvaccinated hospitalization rates prove grand scale vaccine efficacy are nonsense. Those numbers prove vaccines can be effective for the unhealthiest of people, but they say nothing about what effect vaccines are having on everyone else. The vaccine doesn't get credit for keeping people out of the hospital who statistically wouldn't have ever ended up there anyways. Remember, when it comes to Covid-19, things are worse in 2021 with vaccines than they were in 2020 without vaccines.

So yes, 70%+ of current hospitalizations might be unvaccinated patients, but what no one ever mentions is that this 70%+ group comes from a subgroup which is composed of far less than 1% of people TOTAL.

That means that whether a person is vaccinated or not, there is a 99%+ chance they will never be hospitalized by Covid-19 period. With numbers like that, healthy people should be no more actively concerned with Covid-19 or the vaccine that "treats it" than they are actively concerned with some rare form of cancer or the methods that treat it.

A large group of people spread across a grassy hill in a local park
Statistically speaking, healthy people should not be actively worrying about Covid-19

The media has pulled a fast one here. Instead of focusing on the real story – that Covid-19 isn't that dangerous and 99%+ of people will never be hospitalized by it regardless of vaccination status – they consistently focus on the fact that of the less than 1% who have been hospitalized, most were unvaccinated. They then misinterpret this minority based fact and try to apply it to the majority.

“You see! Of those hospitalized, most are unvaccinated! The vaccines work!”

But that’s not what it means at all.

All it means is that by the new, narrative-protecting metric of "efficacy" that the media has declared – e.g. limiting symptoms and hospitalizations – the vaccine is effective…for a highly specific group that almost no one is a part of.

Read that again. It's important.

Think of it this way. If no Covid vaccine had ever existed anywhere, 99% of people would still never have been hospitalized by Covid-19. We know that, because we have the numbers from 2020 prior to the advent of Covid vaccines.

But that's not what the media publishes stories about.

Instead, they go on and on about how safe and effective vaccines are overall because in ONE highly specific group composed of less than 1% of total people, vaccines have made a difference.

Do you see the Grand Canyon sized jump the media has made to support its narrative?

Vaccines don't prevent contraction. Vaccines don't prevent transmission. Vaccines don't keep 99% of people out of the hospital because that amount was never going to end up in the hospital regardless of vaccination status.

So what exactly do vaccines do?

Vaccines keep a certain percentage of a less than 1% subsection of already health compromised people out of the hospital and/or limit their symptoms.

The above statement represents the mental gymnastics our society has gone to in order to define these vaccines as effective. Instead of talking about the 99% of people who are essentially totally unaffected by the vaccines, the media focuses on the most health compromised people in the world to “prove” that everyone must be vaccinated.

Nurses rallying against forced vaccination outside of a hospital
We're firing people who refuse vaccines that don't prevent a disease that 99% of people aren't in danger of anyways

So based on a vaccine efficacy that is only relevant to <1% of health compromised people, the media constantly spouts “safe and effective” vaccines as “the only way out of the pandemic” for everyone.

Based on a vaccine efficacy that is only relevant to <1% of health compromised people, the media claims the vaccines still “work” for everyone, even though they are totally incapable of preventing basic, non-hospital-requiring contraction and transmission, which are the only ways the other 99% will ever experience Covid-19.

Based on a vaccine efficacy that is only relevant to <1% of health compromised people, the media continues a fear based Covid-19 narrative which is completely unjustifiable when applied to healthy people, but has totally altered a generational way of life for everyone.

And based on a vaccine efficacy that is only relevant to <1% of health compromised people, the government is trying to destroy the livelihoods of tens of thousands of completely healthy people by forcing everyone to fall in line or be fired.

The left can claim the vaccine is effective all they want, and I’ll agree with them, as long as we’re only talking about that less than 1% subsection of health compromised people in hospitals.

But for the other 99% of society?

The vaccines have failed.

The pandemic, as defined by the media, and as it continues to affect the daily lives of Americans across the country, remains totally uninterrupted by vaccines. Not because vaccines are totally ineffective, but because they are only effective to a very small percentage of people, and they aren’t effective in any way that impacts the metric by which the media continues to wrongfully define the pandemic, which is cases.

And don’t get me wrong. I’m happy the vaccines are helpful to that small group of people. I want those who are seriously sick to have easy access to any available resource which can support them. But I also want the media to stop using that infinitesimally small group to buoy a dying argument which flailingly insists that vaccines are working on the whole or are so necessary that they should be force mandated on completely healthy people.

A old looking western traveling salesman pointing at a bottle of Snake Oil with a caption saying "Snake Oil is Wonderful Stuff!"
The left is still trying to sell vaccines as a panacea

The left wanted vaccines to be a panacea. They wanted them to solve everything.

They wanted to parrot the words “safe and effective” on every channel, every hour, of every day, to every person who would listen in the hopes that just by saying it over and over again it would somehow materialize into a truth.

But it didn’t work.

Instead, the media's never ending defense of a clearly ineffective treatment thrust us into a bizarre political nightmare where a vaccine which less than 1% of the population tangibly benefits from defines legislative policy and the way of life for the other 99%.

It’s time to wake up.


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