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The Why of the Willingly Unvaccinated

Writer's picture: JayJay

Sometimes I think it would be fun to compile a list of all the lies, double standards, backtracks, misnomers, and statistical errors of the Covid-19 era.

And by fun, I mean painstakingly miserable, impractically time consuming, and altogether impossible due to there not being enough space to store such a list in all the hard drives of the world combined.

A disheveled man surrounded by books looking at a laptop.
Someone can try to create the list. It won't be me.

Yeah. Let’s just be nice and say there have been a lot of claims made about Covid that haven’t stood the test of time.

But there’s one particular misnomer that continues to stick which really irritates me. Not only does it stick, it is promulgated incessantly by the mainstream media which then proceeds to metaphorically high five itself as if a good point has been made, when in reality, the point isn’t and never was true.

It’s a claim that is constantly made about those who remain unvaccinated against Covid-19.

Now, anyone being honest knows there are likely hundreds of reasons certain people choose not to get vaccinated. While all of these situations are unique and many of them are fully reasonable, the media consistently attempts to the label the group as a single entity: “The unvaccinated.”

Obviously, labeling any group composed of unique individuals under one umbrella never works. You can’t say, “Women prefer this” or “Black people hate that” because women and black people aren’t a single entity. They are groups composed of a bunch of individuals that by no means ever have to agree with one another.

But the media doesn’t care. They still just want to talk about “The unvaccinated”.

I get it. It’s easier that way. And while there’s an article that could be written about improper labeling in the media, this isn’t it. No, for the sake of this piece, I’m actually going to allow the media to reference this amorphous, nonexistent entity as “the unvaccinated", and I'm not going to fight it.

What I will address, however, is that even when the media attempts to pigeonhole everyone into a neat little box -- which should theoretically make stereotyping the reasons for a group’s actions far easier -- they STILL manage to misrepresent “the unvaccinated” at the base level.

You see, at the very minimum, if you want to make a poorly thought out, blanket statement about “the unvaccinated”, you should at least attempt to make the statement that most likely represents the majority opinion held by the group. But the media fails to do even that.

And that brings me back to the Covid lie that bothers me most:

The media’s claims as to why certain people choose to remain unvaccinated.

This lie takes on a number of different forms in the media, but each form serves the same purpose.

A cartoon of a cameraman showing only one portion of a shot, which completely changes the reality of what is happening
The media always slants stories for a purpose

The media’s most commonly spewed lies as to why certain people remain unvaccinated are these:

Lie #1: The main reason people don’t get vaccinated is because they are anti-government conspiracy theorists who think the vaccine contains “insert something absurd here” (tracking devices, alien blood, the tears of dolphins, etc.)

Lie #2: The main reason people don’t get vaccinated is because they are scared of the vaccine. Either they are afraid of needles, they are scared that it will make them horribly sick, or that it will cause them massive health issues down the line because it hasn’t be studied long enough to know its effects.

Lie#3: The main reason that people don’t get vaccinated is because they are selfish, ignorant, troglodytes who purposely avoid doing anything the government tries to force them to do.

Now, let me be clear, and this next point is important:

EACH of the three reasons listed above IS a reason CERTAIN people are not being vaccinated.

But please, hear this point more:


And this is irritating.

I’m bothered because at times the media acts like they have to repetitively throw out all these reasons because the true reason people aren’t being vaccinated is some unsolvable mystery. Some grand secret of the universe that can’t be unlocked, even by our greatest scientists.

Well, I don’t think that’s true, but if it is, allow me to solve the problem right now. Any scientist or media member who wants to know the REAL, number one reason people are actively choosing to not be vaccinated against Covid-19 can forever find it here.

You ready?

They don’t consider the illness or its consequences anywhere near serious enough to themselves or to others to justify putting a foreign substance into their bodies, especially one that is in no way guaranteed to do what it was designed to do.

You get that?

It’s not an issue of being anti-government, it’s not an issue of being afraid, it’s not an issue of being selfish.

It’s an issue of not buying into Covid-19 as being as serious of a threat as the media portrays it.

Now, could these people be wrong about this? Absolutely. But that’s not the issue on trial here. I’m just telling you the why.

If Covid-19 starts presenting itself in a way that is obvious, if it starts showing itself as more than a minor cold for 98% of people who get it, if the death rate or the seriously ill rate spikes to the same levels as some of the more serious illnesses of the past that have been vaccinated out of existence, I guarantee your vaccination hesitancy problem will disappear within a month.

But that’s simply not what’s happening. The vast majority of people who experience Covid-19 personally or through someone they know, experience it as an illness that isn’t even distinguishable without some invasive test.

I’m sorry to state it so bluntly, but it’s hard for people to be afraid of a disease that they can have without even knowing it.

And that brings us to human nature, and the concept of the status quo.

A hanging scale with perfect balance on both sides
If things are working, people will choose to maintain the status quo

The vast majority of people choosing to be unvaccinated are doing so because in terms of tangible evidence, Covid-19 isn’t affecting their health or the health of hardly anyone they know, in any meaningful way.

So these people see that they are healthy and have been for some time, and, as human nature dictates, question why they should alter the status quo.

If you are dieting and seeing results, would you add something new to your diet you were uncertain about? If you are working out a lot and starting to see massive gains, would you randomly change something in your routine? If you are doing well at work and everyone is complimenting you every day, would you try to drastically alter something?

So why, when the vaccine does not stop the transmission or contraction of the disease, would a healthy person inject themselves with a substance unknown to them when things are going well?

But the media outright refuses to talk about this obvious truth. I’m skeptical enough to find it strange that they won’t talk about it, when to me it is as clear as day. I try not to assume agendas, but it’s difficult when the answer is so plain.

If you want people to take a vaccine, ANY vaccine, show them that the illness your vaccine addresses is an observable, real danger to a significant number of real people they know, and then, more importantly, show them that the vaccine will definitively end that danger.

As neither of those statements have been demonstrably true, and always remembering that the vaccine doesn’t prevent contraction or transmission, why would anyone expect people to willingly mess with a healthy status quo?


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