I’m a firm believer that the human race has made it this far because it has by and large maintained a few crucial traditions that are by nature self-preserving.
I’m also a firm believer of not trying to fix something that isn’t broke.
Call me conservative, I don't mind.
On the whole, our society finds itself in a highly precarious position. It’s at a juncture with two paths, and I fear one of those paths cannot be turned away from once it has been committed to. And while people have always debated what the proper course of action is for society as a whole, those debates have never so directly threatened the core institutions and values our society has always maintained.
The Protection of Children
Society has always attempted to protect children. Not only from physical harm, but from emotional and intellectual burdens they aren’t prepared for yet. Not because it was trying to hide harsh truths, but because it was trying to preserve an innocence that is necessary to a happy and healthy child development.
The Sanctity of Family The family unit is the foundational building block of any successful society. A father, a mother, both present, both protective, and both unconditionally loving. Any time this unit is broken, for any reason, especially during the crucial years of child development, negative consequences arise.
The Belief in a Higher Purpose Successful societies live in the here and now, but they do so under the belief that they have a purpose that is significant, and will resound through the ages to come. Societies that succumb to love of self, pleasure, or nihilism are not long for this world.
The Preservation of the Future It’s been said we don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. A society that is built to last will recognize that the decisions it makes today will ultimately have unavoidable effects on future generations, even if we can’t tangibly feel them now. Current political policy will influence where society ends up.
The Respect of Tradition The lasting societies of history have all valued the wisdom of the past. This doesn’t mean the ancients knew everything or even knew more than we do today, it just means a healthy reverence for the beliefs and values which carried our forefathers through adversity still have relevance today. When a society has been proven to work for generations, it is usually a deviation from its proven values which leads to it demise.
This is not meant to be an alarmist piece. I am not suggesting the world is coming to an end or any change to society will inevitably lead to its demise. I’m just suggesting that it may be worth thinking twice about drastically altering the core tenets the human race has abided by to reach this point in history.
Tradition exists because it has proven itself effective. It works, so people respect it and continue it. The first question we ask should never be "how can we change tradition" but rather "if we should change tradition." And any answer suggesting we should requires supporting evidence as substantial as the consequences that doing so will inevitably create.